Katherine E. Russo

Katherine E. Russo, PhD University of New South Wales (Sydney), is ‘ricercatrice’ in English Language and Linguistics at the University of Napoli “L’Orientale”. She has published essays and translations on Post-colonial English Varieties, Contact Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, Translation Studies, Whiteness and Gender Studies. She has recently authored Practices of Proximity: The Appropriation of English in Australian Indigenous Literatures (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010), winner of the ESSE Book Award 2012.


Intersezionalità e genere

Intersezionalità e genere

Intersezionalità e genere è un lavoro multidisciplinare e multilinguistico che intende contribuire al dibattito scie ...
€ 25,00

Translating East and West

Translating East and West

Following the footsteps of the founding father of the University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Matteo Ripa, Translating East and West ...
€ 25,00
Global English, Transnational Flows: Australia and New Zealand in Translation

Global English, Transnational Flows: Australia and New Zealand in Translation

Global English, Transnational Flows: Australia and New Zealand in Translation questions widespread assumptions regarding the relation betw ...
€ 12,00