Oriana Palusci

Oriana Palusci is professor of English at the Università di Napoli "L’Orientale". She has published on translation studies, postcolonial studies, science fiction, twentieth century women’s literature.


Les cultures du Canada: au-delà du passé, vers l’avenir

Les cultures du Canada: au-delà du passé, vers l’avenir

Ce recueil d’essais, organisé en quatre sections, réunit des articles qui traitent de la pluralité de la sociét&e ...
€ 22,00

The Invention of Italy as an Imaginary Homeland on the Canadian Soil: Storytelling, Language, Media

The Invention of Italy as an Imaginary Homeland on the Canadian Soil: Storytelling, Language, Media

This volume, which is divided into three parts, brings together critical essays and creative texts shedding light on how Italy is constructed as an ...
€ 24,00

Made in Canada

Made in Canada

This book explores the languages of the Canadian media from different interdisciplinary approaches. First of all, it wants to celebrate a long-last ...
€ 22,00

Translating East and West

Translating East and West

Following the footsteps of the founding father of the University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Matteo Ripa, Translating East and West ...
€ 25,00

Traduttrici: female voices across languages

Traduttrici: female voices across languages

The essays collected in Traduttrici: Female Voices across Languages try to answer the question: what does it mean when the translator is a ...
€ 20,00
English, but not Quite

English, but not Quite

The 15 papers collected in "English, but not Quite" analyse the current state of English varie ...
€ 17,50